1. We collect personal information such as your names, addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, or other information when you register or place an order on our website.
Certain information on our website is collected by using technologies such as cookies and web server logs, to enhance your experience when visiting our website.
當您在我們的網站註冊或下訂單時,我們會收集您的姓名、地址、電郵、電話號碼或其他信息。我們網站上的某些信息是通過 cookie 和網絡服務器日誌等技術收集的,以優化您在訪問我們網站時的體驗。
2. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring that your personal data is protected. We therefore make sure that our policies and practices in relation to personal data comply with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (the “Act”) under the laws of Malaysia.
3. This privacy policy applies to www.sls.com.my and to personal data collected about you by Shen Loon She Enterprise Sdn Bhd. By using the Site, you are agreeing to the terms of this privacy policy.
本隱私政策適用於 www.sls.com.my 和 神農氏企業有限公司 收集有關您的個人數據。使用本網站,即表示您同意本隱私政策條款。
4. We may change or update our Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice by posting a new version of the policy on our website. Please review frequently the privacy policy page on our website.
5. Should you have any enquiries concerning our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Helpline.
Email: customerservice@sls.com.my
Whatsapp Helpline:+60124738115